Vendor Reviews

Sailing Associates Inc (Georgetown, MD)

Sailing Associates Inc
Georgetown, MD 21930

Date of Service: May 16, 2024
Service: Boom Rigging Replacement
Cons: 61 Days for Verbal Quote, Ability to Provide a Written Quote, Accountability, Availability, Communication, Disregarded Owners Request, Flexibility, Smoking Onboard during Trespass, Trespassing (No Aware or Consented to Board), Timely Follow Up & Unresponsive to Calls/Messages/Office Visits for Quote Status Updates
Pros: Friendly Staff, Location & Staff Product Knowledge
Comments: See Below

Jacques met with Andy onboard on May 16, 2024 we understood he had everything necessary, including measurements, to follow up with a written quote, as discussed. Andy was further advised then that we must be present for any boardings and service work, to which he agreed and did not impose any concerns or objections then.

For whatever reason, on July 16, 2024 at 9:02AM, Andy boarded our vessel through the midship starboard door and knocked once onboard (even though a wireless doorbell was conveniently located on our piling by the vessel’s midship entry/exit door). When nobody answered, rather than disembark, Andy continued to our cockpit area, where he wiggled the cockpit door handle several times and attempted to open the (locked) door. Rather than disembark at this point, Andy continued with trespassing and freely maneuver onboard with a colleague. 

The second most offensive act and disregard for our personal property was lighting and smoking a cigarette while onboard on the upper deck area! We’re not smokers, nor would we permit such onboard, whether inside or outside of our vessel, and toss the butt into the water! We certainly expect any professional contractor to have the ability to respect our personal property and refrain from smoking.

Once respect and trust are breached, it’s most difficult to regain. Our vessel is personal property and an extension of our home whether it’s the inside, outside or the lines we’re anchored too.

As longtime recreational boaters, we obey local laws, marina rules and accept vendors’ terms and conditions; therefore, we expect our simple request to board any boat that we own to be honored.

Despite our efforts over the past 61 days, we remained patient while making several calls, leaving messages, and even stopping at the Sailing Associates office to inquire about a quote status, but we did not prevail results. Therefore, based on our personal experience through July 18, 2024 we would not recommend Sailing Associates Inc.

Hi, Iā€™m Janet