Dehydrating Temperatures

  • Beans = 125°F (6 – 8 Hours)
  • Fish = 130°F – 140°F (4 – 6 Hours)
  • Fruit = 125°F (6 – 7 Hours)
  • Grains = 145°F (8 – 12 Hours)
  • Herbs & Greens = 95°F (3 – 4 Hours)
  • Living Foods = 95°F – 110°F (6 – 10 Hours)
  • Marshmallows = 150°F (4 Hours)
  • Meat = 160°F (4 – 6 Hours)
  • Mushrooms = 125°F (1 Hour)
  • Proofing Bread = 110°F (1 1/2 – 2 Hours)
  • Proofing Yogurt = 115°F (6 Hours)
  • Vegetables = 125°F (6 – 8 Hours)


  • Acidic fruits: berries, citrus, mangos, pineapple, plums, rhubarb or strawberries do not require pretreatment.
  • Average time requires 6 – 8 hours.
  • Best results require good airflow.
  • Convection ovens have built-in fans.
  • Cooling rack on a cookie sheet promotes airflow around the food.
  • Drier goods take less time compared to juicey goods.
  • Duration varies by oven and temperatures.
  • Easiest are garlic, leeks, mushrooms, onions, peppers and shallots.
  • Flip several times throughout the drying process to dry evenly.
  • Great use in casseroles soups
  • Keep stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark and dry area.
  • Individually line on mate or parchment paper.
  • No oven fan, slightly crack the door.
  • Not deemed energy efficiently.
  • Not recommended with microwave ovens.
  • Ovens often have hot spots so rotate pans.
  • Over 160F tends to cook vs dehydrated.
  • Precut vegetables into bite-sized pieces.
  • Prevent fruits from turning brown, presoak in a half-and-half mixture of lemon juice and water for five minutes before drying.
  • Product lasts for years; vegetables longer than fruit.
  • Select foods not fully dry, you may turn off the oven and leave them overnight.
  • Toaster ovens are great for small batches.
  • To rehydrate requires approximately 30 minutes of soaking.
  • Use an oven thermometer.
Hi, I’m Janet

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