Poker Run
A Poker Run is an organized time limit event where participants visit 5 – 7 various checkpoints and draw a playing card at each location. Objective to have the best poker hand at the end of the run.
In the boating community Poker Runs are common and just for fun.
- Checkpoints Usually Offers Food or Entertainment
- Goosehead App Enables Participates & Spectors Communication
- Hands Usually Marked with Punched Holes on a Ticket or Written Down vs Actual Playing Cards
- Includes a Kick Off Location, Checkpoints & End Point
- Not a Race but Chance
- Participants Required at the Final Checkpoint
- Prizes and/or Trophy Awarded
- Proceeds may Support a Funding Event
- Usually Requires a Fee to Enter
Poker Runs are usually organized by groups of mind-like individuals ranging from: all-terrain vehicles (ATV), bicycles, canoeing, golf carts, horses, kayaking, motorcycles, runners, skateboards, small aircrafts and snowmobiles.
- According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest Poker Run (2009) with 2,136 motorcyclists benefiting the Fallen Firefighter Survivors Foundation (FFSF).
- In 2012, 586 motorcyclists Poker Run benefited the Prostate Cancer Research (Ottawa, Canada).
- Many charities and nonprofits benefit from Poker Runs.
Dice Run
A Dice Run is a variation of the Poker Run, rather than collecting cards or tickets, participants roll dice at each checkpoint stop. Objective is to have the highest score as determined by the sum of the dice rolls.