Blood Stains
Immediately rinse in cold water. Avoid hot water as it will set the stain. Dilute ammonia with water, tab stain and rest for 30 minutes. Avoid using color and fragrance ammonia.
Coffee Maker
Fill the water tank with warm water and drop 2 Efferdent (denture cleaner). Once dissolved, brew a cycle and discard.
Refill the water tank with warm water, brew another cycle (without Efferdent) and discard.
Pasta Sauce Stains
Soak a clean cloth in cold water and then blot stained areas. Then rub with lemon slices on the stained area. Once the stain is removed, resume blotting with clean cold water.
Microwave Food Splatter
Dampen 2 – 3 sponges and microwave on high for 1 minute. Moisture tends to soften the food splatters. Wipe with warm sponges. Repeat as necessary.
Red Wine Fabric Spill
Blot white wine on the fabric. This should dilute the stain. Wet clean cloth continue to blot the area. Avoid rubbing.
Shower Soap Scum
Slice a grapefruit in half. Pour a generous amount of salt on top of one half. Rub soap scrum area until clean.
Smelly Garbage Disposal
Since garbage disposals are primarily used on foods, the blades, grind chamber or impellers can collect food particles. Use your garbage disposal with half a small handful of ice cubes. Avoid too many ice cubes as clogging can occur.
Toilet Bowl
Let sit overnight a cup (or two) of white vinegar. Scrub the bowl with a toilet brush.