About Us

About Janet…
A lifetime resident of Chester County, PA. My boating experience began as a teenager around the St Joseph Island area in Ontario, Canada, just east of Sault Ste Marie.
I enjoy:
- Baking Sweets
- Ballroom & Latin Dance
- Board Games
- Boating
- Canning: Fruits, Jams, & Jelly
- Cooking International Dishes
- Crocheting “Louvet Couture”
- Hosting Theme Parties
- Photography
- Reading Nicholas Sparks Novels
- Swimming & Snorkeling
- Traveling
- Watercolor Painting
About Jacques…
Born in a family of Globetrotters in the Belgium Congo, 2.5 miles from the equator, I inherited a passion for traveling and exploring.
After growing up in Brussels, Belgium, I eventually emigrated to the US and obtained my Private Pilot’s license, providing another way to explore.
I enjoy:
- Boating
- Baking French Bread
- Cooking
- Drone Flying
- Ham Radio
- Reading Dan Brown’s Novels

Our combined dream is to continue exploring by boat as full-time cruisers and navigate America’s Great Loop as our depth and height permits us to do so. Not to be overshadowed by island hopping the Caribbean Islands, as well. Should our health permit, we would even consider exploring Europe and the Mediterranean.
For now, you’ll catch us cruising the mid-Atlantic waters of DE, MD, and NJ.

We are Members of:
- American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) – Benefit of MTOA Membership
- America’s Great Loop Cruisers’ Association (AGLCA)
- Chesapeake Bay Yacht Club’s Association (CBYCA)
- Marine Trawler Owners Association (MTOA)
- Nordhavn Owners Group (NOG)
- Sassafras River Yacht Club (SRYC)
- Yacht Clubs of America (YCA) – Benefit of MTOA Membership
First, being “Nordhavn Dreamers” ourselves, we will strive to be as transparent with the good, the bad, and everything in between unfiltered from our personal experiences and journey.
We do respect that your own experiences and opinions may differ from ours, please do the same.