Seminars & Trainings

2022 Maritime Medical Emergency Management with Dr. Robert Leviton

During Trawler Fest (Baltimore, MD) we both attended Maritime Medical Emergency Management with Dr Robert Leviton on Thursday, September 29, 2022 11AM – 2PM.

Presentation participants gain in depth understanding of the following:
– Allergic Reactions
– Burns
– Choking
– Concussion
– Contusions, Lacerations & Wound Care
– Dehydration
– Drowning & Near Drowning
– Fractured Bones
– Heat Cramps, Heat Exhaustion & Heat Stroke
– Hypothermia
– Marine Bites and Stings
– Nosebleeds
– Seasickness
– Strain & Sprains

Dr. Leviton’s professional Emergency Management and Disaster Preparedness work include 12 years as the Medical Director for the Nassau County Fire, Police, and EMS Academy; he served as Physician Advisor to the Department of Defense and Veterans Administration during Desert Shield / Desert Storm developing mass care triage programs; was appointed as a Board Advisor to the National Emergency Training Center; then joined the Joint Commission accrediting hospitals, leading their teams developing standards for hospital emergency management and preparedness. Most recently, Dr. Leviton served as the Medical Director for the COVID Pandemic Medical Screening Annex, where his teams managed 100-200+ patients daily during the beginning through the height of the Pandemic.

Sailing his O’Day 32, “Tiramisu” in the waters of the Long Island Sound, Robert has served the US Sailing Association, Disabled Sailing Committee, as their lead National Classification Trainer and has sailed with disabled sailors in San Diego, Galveston, Port Charlotte, Newport, Nova Scotia, Kinsale, and his home New York waters as the Chief Medical Officer for the Robie Pierce One Design Regatta for over 15 years. 

Hi, I’m Janet