Seminars & Trainings

2015 Great Loop Cruising: A Guide to the Looper Lifestyle

On Saturday, March 28, 2015 from 9:30AM – 4PM we both attended the Great Loop Cruising: A Guide to the Looper Lifestyle seminar hosted at Sheraton Annapolis (Annapolis, MD) sponsored by America’s Great Loop Cruisers’ Association (AGLCA).

Many of us have a Great Loop cruise on our bucket list. But few actually move beyond just dreaming of the Loop, to investigating whether and how to make it a reality. America’s Great Loop Cruisers’ Association (AGLCA) is pleased to introduce this new one-day seminar designed to help answer the questions most people have about the Great Loop.

• How much time and money will it take?
• What kind of a boat do I need?
• How can I leave my home/kids/grandkids for an extended period of time?
• Will my spouse and I still like each other after spending so much time together?
• Is it safe?
• Will I see interesting things, or just cruise along at a turtle’s pace for a whole year of my life?
• I like my lifestyle. Can my life on the water replicate what I have at home?
• We’ve never handled a large boat before. Why start now?
• How will I know what to do in an emergency when we’re all alone on our boat?

Cost: $99 seminar fee per person includes a one-year AGLCA membership (a $69 value) and lunch. The cost is $181 for a couple and includes a two-year membership and lunch. A coupon code for the free membership or renewal will be given at the seminar.

Hi, I’m Janet