Seminars & Trainings

2022 Tips & Tricks for Navigating the ICW with Rudy & Jill Sechez

On Thursday, September 29, 2022 from 2PM – 4PM Jacques attended Tips & Tricks for Navigating the ICW during Trawler Fest (Baltimore, MD).

Have a yearning to cruise the ICW? This presentation by veteran cruisers Rudy and Jill Sechez will discuss situations that you will likely encounter and provide guidelines for managing them.

Topics Covered:
• Distinguishing ICW Aids to Navigation (ATONs) from Regular ATONs & Which Side to Keep the ‘Red’ Marks
• Day Shapes & Lighted ATONs
• Range Marks
• Keys & Tricks when Using Charts on the ICW
• Negotiating Channels & Tips for Avoiding Shoals
• Visual Clues to Water Depths & Determining Distances by Sight
• “Tides” & “Tidal Currents”
• Various Ways to Appropriately Signal Bridges & Locks for Openings
• Discussion of Chart 1 & Coast Pilot
• Understanding Railroad Bridges
• ‘Truisms’
• How to Throw a Line
• Hand Signals & Unambiguous Communication Among Crew
• Choosing the Correct Shackle for your Anchor Chain
• Suggested Reference Books & Manuals

Cost: $65

Hi, I’m Janet