Dispose of Electronics
In most states it is considered illegal to dispose of old electronics in the trash. Options to consider are: Good...

Boat Buyers & Sellers Responsibility
Buyer(s) Seller(s) Good to Know Tips Our Personal Recommendations

Bare Bone Long Distance Vessel Reposition Tips
I am a self-claimed “packing guru.” Yet regardless of being such, it still required us to fly from PA to...

Trawler Wish List?
Our Trawler Wish List… Exterior Interior General Deal Breaker Comments (**Notes our Deal Breakers Above) Also Important to Us: With our...

Federally Documented Vessel
Documented Vessel Requirements: Documented Vessel Benefits: Documented Vessel Process: Documented Vessel Costs: Documented Vessel Renewal Options: Good to Know Simplifying...

Boat Association Memberships Benefits?
Here’s a list of associations that we’re Members of and their highlighted benefits: ABC Valley Forge America’s Great Loop Cruisers’ Association...

The Great Loop
Our next book on order is The Looper’s Companion Guide by Capt John Wright. “Great Loop” Fun Facts: Contingent on...

Renaming Ceremony
Vessel Renaming Ceremony Requires: Purging Ceremony Renaming Ceremony Appease to the Four Wind Gods: Boreas, Zephyrus, Eurus & Notus (Face...

Storm Preparation & Readiness
In 2023, with the local tropical storm Ophelia it was “batten down the hatches“. Anticipating high winds along the East...